My best friend and I decided to take on the 100 Baby Challenge for The Sims 3. Doing this together is the funniest thing and also the most frustrating. You can find her quest here.

Join us on our journey to overpopulation!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Success! Finally!: Babby #1

After so many shenanigans, I was able to get May pregnant. I guess I normally make families so I don't know the protocol for finding partners, especially if they are not going to be in an official relationship. I'm also going to need to make more baby daddies since there are defiantly not enough on the lot. Worry about that later.

Today, Khatar was born. He was given the neat trait and randomize the good trait. I've never picked a toddler to have this trait, but does that mean they are just awesome kids? Because usually when a kid is sitting in the high chair done, they bitch. But this kid sat there for [Sim] hours! Maybe it was just a coincidence.

Orist Kinbebes

Traits: Good and Friendly

Likes: R&B, Tri-tip and tourquoise

Horoscope Sign: Leo

From Mum: eyes, skin tone and ears
From Dad: ???

I don't normally think Sim babies are cute but I think he is actually a little cute. Maybe because I took the time to actually edit the mom's facial features in CAS? I think as a way to keep track of who's already been a baby daddy, I might change the kids names in CAS to their father's in order to keep track. I don't think that's breaking the rules in any way.

Nk, on to the sperm donor.

Felipe Marshall
Traits: Loves outdoors, technophobe, unflirty, great kisser and good.
Age: Young Adult
Partner: none
Horoscope Sign: Cancer
Job: Desk Jockey

It was SUCH A PAIN to get him into bed. At least I don't have to bother with him again.
Nice shirt.

It Has Begun

My best friend and I have begun the 100 Baby Challenge for The Sims 3. Though I feel we are about six years older than the average girl to be doing this, what the hell. I originally started out with the brothel challenge and plan to continue that, but really wanted to try this one after she had started hers. One problem I think I will run into is that this game save is on my laptop and not my desktop so hopefully I won't forget about it. On the plus side, my next quarter is going to have lots of gaps so I can at least bring this with me.

So I downloaded a bunch of packs and mods last night before I got started. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the Woohooer to work. I think that's because I have my game through Steam and all the files are different. I'll try again since that mod will only help (I don't think it's considered cheating).

My Sim's name is May Kinbebes. I wanted to create a mum-looking Sim but more like that cool Elf mum you always wanted as a kid so you could inherit their cool pointy ears and beautiful eyes with fantastic archery skills...Yeah...I also picked her skin color as the grey version of the light cyan so hopefully her offspring will be colorful. Vie decided to give her founder Sim a dog because the rules don't say anything about having them hunt and bring back gems to sell. Though Clover, Vie's dog, has turned out to be the "bane of her existence," I wanted to give it a go and adopted a dog and named her Lollypup. My laptop did crash for the first time last night, but I had been playing for awhile and I didn't loose much data.

About Our Girl
(sorry I don't know how to do nice Sim pics yet)

Name: May Kinbebes
Age: Young Adult
Traits: Artistic, Frugal, Handy, Good Kisser and Family Oriented

Likes: Fried Banana sandwich, custom music and grey
Horoscope SignSagittarius

Job: Professional Baby Maker

In the picture is Lollypup, too.
Traits: Aggressive, hunter, non-destructive, playful (trained) and adventurous.

I've had the same problem Vie had when the male Sims DO NOT WANT TO FUCK HER. For no reason. And, one guy May was flirting with for hours suddenly had the unflirty trait as soon as she went in for the kill. YEAHOKGUY. I did only start last night, but really wanted to get her preggos before I stopped. So hopefully I'll have better luck today.

I moved her to the smallest lot because it was also the cheapest. It's not going to work for long so hopefully I can earn some simoleans ASAP.

Dumbass farm [love] shack.